
Tips To Help You Find Recycled Pallets And Discarded Construction Lumber To Build Home Storage Shelves

Business Articles

With a new year beginning, it can be a good time for tackling New Year's resolutions you have set, forming new habits, and organizing your home. Before you can organize and clean your home, a new set of storage shelves can help you get started. You don't have to buy brand new storage shelves, as you can use recycled materials to make them. Here are some tips to help you find some used and discarded construction lumber and shipping pallets that you can use to build into storage shelves.

31 January 2017

Non-Toxic And Natural Ways To Remove Common Cat Stains From Your Carpet And Upholstery


According to the Humane Society of the United States, approximately 42.9 million American households own at least one cat. If you're a proud cat owner, you know how much joy having your furry family member can bring. Unfortunately, aside from the daily chore of cleaning out the litter box, the one downside to owning a cat is the potential for smelly, hard-to-remove stains. From urine to vomit, here are a few natural, non-toxic ways for you to eliminate some common cat stains from your carpets and upholstery:

14 December 2016

3 Ways To Make Your Business Entrance More Inviting


Have you been wondering what you can do to increase business and make more money? While marketing is a crucial part of success, don't forget that making your building more attractive can have a positive impact on your bottom line. If you want to know how to improve your curb appeal, here are three ways to make your business more inviting so you attract more customers every day. Landscaping How lush is your lawn?

2 December 2016