Non-Toxic And Natural Ways To Remove Common Cat Stains From Your Carpet And Upholstery


According to the Humane Society of the United States, approximately 42.9 million American households own at least one cat. If you're a proud cat owner, you know how much joy having your furry family member can bring. Unfortunately, aside from the daily chore of cleaning out the litter box, the one downside to owning a cat is the potential for smelly, hard-to-remove stains. From urine to vomit, here are a few natural, non-toxic ways for you to eliminate some common cat stains from your carpets and upholstery:

14 December 2016

3 Ways To Make Your Business Entrance More Inviting


Have you been wondering what you can do to increase business and make more money? While marketing is a crucial part of success, don't forget that making your building more attractive can have a positive impact on your bottom line. If you want to know how to improve your curb appeal, here are three ways to make your business more inviting so you attract more customers every day. Landscaping How lush is your lawn?

2 December 2016

2 Ways To Use A Toothbrush To Clean Your House


You might have not known that there are more uses for a toothbrush than simply brushing your teeth. A toothbrush is a great tool to clean your house with. Instead of throwing away your old toothbrushes, you should keep them and use them to clean those hard to reach areas. Here are two ways to use your toothbrush to keep your house looking clean. Cleaning Keyboards Over time, your toothbrush will become softer and softer as the bristles are used.

4 July 2016

Floodwater: Don't Clean Up the Mess Yourself


If stormwater floods into your home after a major summer disaster, such as a hurricane or tropical storm, you may try to clean up the mess yourself to save money. But removing the water and cleaning up your damaged belongings and other items might not be a good idea. Flooding water can damage more than just the items you actually see. It can also allow harmful pathogens to invade your home.

29 June 2016

The Dos And Don'ts Of Cleaning A Berber Carpet


With its tightly woven, looped fibers, a Berber carpet can give your room a pristine appearance – but only for as long as the carpet is in good shape. If you don't want your Berber carpet to begin looking frayed, disheveled, or flattened, you'll want to adhere to these dos and don'ts when cleaning and maintaining it. Do: Use a brushless vacuum cleaner attachment. The rotating brush on your vacuum may be perfect for cleaning standard carpets, but it's terrible for the Berber.

20 May 2016