5 Tips For Keeping Upholstered Furniture Well Maintained


Upholstered furniture can easily become damaged because it tends to be so delicate. In order to ensure that it lasts as long as possible all while appearing to be clean at all times, you will want to consider following these five tips: Protect the Furniture: Upholstered furniture needs to be protected from spills. If a spill ever does happen, you should also address it immediately by gently blotting the spot dry.

21 August 2015

The Best Ways To Eliminate Dog Urine On Carpets


You may have tried your hardest to housebreak your dog. But accidents happen and your dog might urinate on the carpet. When this happens, you will need to act fast to remove the stain and the odor. When You Discover Your Dog Urinating If the carpet is still wet because of the pet urine, you should apply white vinegar. The acid neutralizes the pet odor. Add a little white vinegar to a paper towel.

18 August 2015

Drapery Care Tips For Pet Owners


Your drapes can become a magnet for pet hair and general grime from your pets paws. Ensuring that the drapes stay clean and are safe from your pet takes a little bit of knowledge. This guide can keep your drapes in good condition while also ensuring your pet is safe. Cut the Cord If you have a cat, you likely know that the cord to your drapes is treated like one big toy.

25 July 2015