Hosting Parties during the Holidays

During the holiday season, I adore hosting parties at my home. I always enjoy spending time with close friends and family members in a relaxed atmosphere. Are you already busily planning upcoming events at your home? Consider making your house look amazing when visitors arrive by hiring a professional cleaning service. A cleaning service can complete tedious chores such as vacuuming your carpets, mopping your hardwood floors, cleaning your oven, and dusting your furniture. On this blog, I hope you will discover the benefits of hiring a cleaning service before your guests are expected to arrive. Your home can be a spotless party paradise.

Have Pesky Orange Cheese-Colored Stains On Your Carpet? How To Give Your Carpet Its Color Back


For some reason, cheese products, ranging from Cheetos to goldfish to chips, like to leave behind a powdery orange residue on your hands. If you have small kids, you also probably see this powdery orange residue in other areas of your home, such as on the corner of cabinets and on your carpet. If parts of your carpet have been turned orange by the little orange food lovers in your house, here is how you can give your carpet its color back

#1 Start With The Classics

To get rid of orange cheese stains, you need to start with the classics, a mix of cold water and dish soap. You can mix together a few drops of dish soap with some cold water, and then apply it to the stain with a sponge or a dishrag. You can also go directly to the source, a put a small drop of dish soap directly on top of the stain, followed up with a little bit of cold water. Let the soap and water soak in for a few minutes to loosen up the stain.

#2 Lift Up The Stain

After the soap and water have sat for a few minutes, it is now up to you to lift up the stain and remove the stain. To do this, you are going to want to take a clean rag or paper towel. Then, dap lightly on the stained area. Do not push down on the carpet, just be gentle and dab and lift. Rotate the cloth or paper towel so that you dab with a fresh area each time. Each time you dab, you should lift up some of the orange cheese color as well as a little soap and water. It is best to work slow to remove the stain and not push it any deeper.

#4 Rinse The Area

Once you have removed the stain, you are going to want to rinse the area off with some clean water. You don't want to leave all of that soap sitting behind. Use a wet spouge to lift up the water and soap that has been left behind. You can use warm water for this task.

#5 Dry Everything

Finally, it is time to dry everything. Use a paper towel and go through the dabbing process again. This time, your goal is just to lift up and remove any water that has remained behind. Keep doing this until the paper towel you use stays dry and doesn't get all wet.

If the stain will not come out, and you have light colored carpet, you can try putting some hydrogen peroxide on it. This should only be used on light carpets though since hydrogen peroxide does have a bleaching effect. If you still can't get the stain out, you may need to call in some carpet professional to assist you. They have professional-grade floor cleaning solution that can help.


29 July 2017